
For improving well-being

During a hirudotherapy session, the hungry leeches are placed on the problem area of the body. The application of the leeches must be carried out under the supervision of the therapist, as only the therapist is able to correctly identify the point of effect.


Leeches can be used to identify patients at risk for stroke or other diseases, and can also be used as a preventative measure to prevent blood clots from forming.

In microsurgery

Wounds heal better during and after autotransplantation. Medical leeches are successfully applied in case of neuritis, tinnitus, otitis and other cases.
It is advisable to apply leeches prophylactically.

Buy Medical leeches
What makes leeches special?

Hirudotherapy - treatment with medical leeches and their saliva, which contains 100 biologically active substances (BAM). Effects of leech BAM on the body: blood-restoring; reflexogenic; blood draw; presyllabic; anticoagulant (stops clotting); protective antithrombotic; thrombolytic; microcirculation restorer; anti-ischemic; antihypoxic; normalizing arterial pressure and other diseases.

What are the effects of leeches?

Blood microcirculation is activated, tissue supply with oxygen and nutrients is improved, blood clots are dissolved and new ones are no longer formed, inflammation is reduced, blood is cleansed of toxins, immunity is strengthened.


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 by Valė S. on Lodeksa leeches

Laba diena,

dėles gavau jau sekančią dieną. Pranešimą gavau iš vakaro, o kitą dieną kurjeris paskambino, kad jau pakeliui į Kražius. Taip, kaip ir turi būti: kada kurjeris moka rašyti ir kalbėti lietuvių kalba.

Jau 8 panaudojau. Labai aktyvios, greitai prisisiurbia. Dėkoju ir iki kito karto.

 by Олеся on Lodeksa leeches

Дважды заказывала пиявок с пересылкой в Латвию. Все живые добрались, упакованы хорошо. Пиявки кусачие, впиваются быстро при постановке. Рекомендую! И сама буду ещё заказывать.

 by Adam on Lodeksa leeches

I have been using leeches in Lodersa for 4 years now. I am very pleased with the quality of the leeches and the service!!! Aura, thank you very much!!

 by Denis on Lodeksa leeches

Great service! Fast shipment .
Highly recommended!
Only 5 star !

 by Danutė on Lodeksa leeches

Labai džiaugiuosi greitai įvykdytu užsakymu. Dėlės labai geros kokybės. Labai padėjo gauta konsultacija. Ačiū Jums.

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    Lodeksa Medical Leeches